Rectal Ozone Therapy

What It Is, How It Works and How to Do It Yourself
Table of Contents

Nobody has more of a right to your health than you. Doctors make recommendations, medical advertisers offer suggestions, but at the end of the day you’re the one who makes the call. 

So what happens when you lose control of your health? When disease sets in, when chronic illness knocks you down time and again, when the aging process starts to speed up, are you still the one in charge? 

Sickness, aging and disease are all inevitable parts of the world we live in. But they don’t have to be the end of your story. You always have a say in how you respond to illness, how fast you age. 

Too many people go the route of popping pills to treat uncomfortable symptoms…

 “My head hurts, I better take another Aspirin.”

… but never address the ROOT of the problem: a body that doesn’t function like it should. 

This post will cover:

  • What rectal ozone insufflation therapy is 
  • How it’s backed by science and how it works
  • What doctors and patients are saying about it 
  • How it can address the root of your health issues 
  • How you can do it at home 

What is Rectal ozone therapy?

Rectal insufflation is the administration of medical grade ozone directly into the colon via the rectum. When ozone reacts with the water and proteins of your gut, it’s absorbed into your gut wall and fills your bloodstream with oxygen-rich nutrients that increase your ability to combat sickness and slow aging. 

In case you haven’t heard, ozone isn’t harmful except to the lungs.  That’s why we devoted an entire page  to the safety of ozone therapy. While it’s never safe to directly inhale ozone gas, there are a number of different ways to administer ozone that actually benefit your body. 

These range from topical and local ozone — administrations that benefit a specific part of your body — to systemic ozone treatments, which provide benefits to your entire body. Of the three types of systemic ozone therapy treatments, rectal insufflation is the most common, the easiest and most cost-effective. 

Why is rectal ozone therapy considered a systemic treatment?

Interestingly, scientists were able to examine increased oxygen content up to 230% in rabbits after rectal insufflation.  So how could ozone into the rectum do this?

According to Dr. Velio Bocci — the father of ozone therapy who laid much of the scientific groundwork  — ozone goes into the gastrointestinal tract and quickly transforms into other properties.  Ozone does not react with the gut wall; instead it reacts with water and proteins, which creates a domino effect of beneficial reactions.  From there, the oxygen and ozone reactants are absorbed into the gut wall and into the bloodstream. All this happens almost immediately! (37)

How does ozone therapy help with disease and aging? 

In simple terms, the oxygen we need to survive is made of two oxygen atoms (O2) and ozone is made of three oxygen atoms (O3). So when medical ozone interacts with different fluids in your body (in this case, the fluids in your gut that transfer to your bloodstream), that third oxygen atom hitches a ride on other molecules (oxygenation).

Your mitochondria (the little guys that power your cells) thrive on oxygen. The better your mitochondria can access and convert oxygen into energy for your cells, the healthier you’ll be overall. 

Most people don’t know how important oxygen is to the health of your entire body. Hold your breath too long and you’ll die — we all (hopefully) have that little nugget of common sense. But not everybody understands the extent of oxygen’s importance for your cells. 

Otto Warbug, a Nobel Prize winning physiologist said, “Deprive a cell of 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous.”  So according to Mr. Warburg, oxygen is vital for the health of our cells and entire body.

While good oxygenation of our body allows our cells to produce energy, a lack of oxygen nurtures an environment for chronic diseases. Cancer, for example, grows in an anaerobic state (without oxygen). (1, 2, 3)

Rectal Insufflation Ozone Therapy Oxygenates The Body

The scientific community claims ozone therapy is versatile and causes a “cascade” effect of positive reactions. They also claim it increases oxygen efficiency while helping your body produce more energy.  (4, 5, 6, 7, 8)

Oxygen efficiency is different from breathing oxygen. Breathing gets oxygen into your body, but oxygen efficiency describes how well you use it.

You can breathe all the oxygen you want (not a bad idea), but what’s more important for your overall health is how well your body puts that oxygen to use (oxygen efficiency).  Ozone therapy may help people increase their oxygen efficiency.

Rectal Insufflation Ozone Therapy Regulates Oxidative Stress

Ozone therapy helps to reduce the amount of oxidative stress in the body, a leading cause of aging and disease.

According to the National Library of Medicine, oxidative stress is an “imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in the body, which can lead to cell and tissue damage.” Oxidative stress occurs naturally and plays a role in the aging process. (11)  Poor health choices and environmental factors can accelerate oxidative stress. This can lead to chronic inflammation, which Harvard Medical names as the cause of most chronic diseases.  (12)

If oxidative stress is a key factor to chronic disease, inflammation, and aging, is there a way to reduce it?

You betcha. 

According to lead researchers in this field, ozone therapy is able to not only mediate or reduce oxidative stress, but also increase oxygen efficiency, improve blood circulation, detoxify the body on a cellular level, and more. (13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20)

Rectal Ozone Insufflation Therapy helps the immune system balance itself 

A healthy immune system is able to fight disease better than any drug. But if your immune system is overactive, as is the case with autoimmune diseases, ozone may lower your system to safer levels. On the other hand, if your immune system is underperforming, like it often does with infectious diseases, ozone may give your immune system a boost. (23, 24, 25, 26, 27)

Dr. Robert Rowen demonstrated an impressive case study on a severe autoimmune disease called dermatomyositis. The patient had been receiving high doses of prednisone and other immune suppressing drugs from conventional doctors, which only resulted in adverse side effects. But by simply removing an oral infection and implementing regular ozone therapy, Dr. Rowen claimed to completely reverse the symptoms and bring the patient’s immune system into balance (check out the pictures below).  (28)

In addition to this case study, Dr. Rowen posted 23 video logs documenting success with ozone therapy for autoimmune issues.  (29)  

(An autoimmune disease, before and after ozone therapy by Dr. Rowen)

Using rectal ozone therapy for various types of infections

Practitioners and patients also use rectal insufflation for viral, bacterial, and fungal infections.  

Ozone doesn’t add chemicals to your system or force your body to do anything unnatural. It simply stimulates the immune system to eliminate infections — your body is the one doing the work.  

This is one of the reasons integrative practitioners use it for:

  • Mold toxicity
  • Lyme Disease
  • Viral infections

If you do get started with ozone therapy and have an infection present, be aware of Herxheimer reactions.  Stimulating the immune system to balance is great.  But if you kick your immune system into gear with a high infectious load, it will begin to kill off the pathogens faster than the body can discard them.  This leaves a lot of endotoxins in the body, which can make you feel sick for a few days to a couple weeks.  

Example of a Herxheimer reaction when you activate the immune system and start to kill off pathogens too quickly.  

To avoid the Herxheimer reaction, people start slowly.  They usually begin by doing ¼ of the recommended dose (which you’ll find further down this page), then wait a couple days.  Then, they do this 3 - 5 times and slowly start increasing the dose.  This seems to be a good way to avoid getting a big “die off” reaction. If available, vitamin C infusions can lessen or even block such reactions after the ozone application.

Rectal ozone therapy and the microbiome

A lot of people ask how an oxygen-based therapy affects the microbiome. 

It’s a valid question also asked by people researching ozone therapy.  Let me point you to a few of the experts I trust the most to answer this question:

  • Dr. Mandy Lagreca — Dr. Lagreca is rigid about labs and data.  She runs labs on the microbiome and is a huge fan of ozone because of its ability to help resolve biome issues
  • Dr. Rowen — Also an ozone expert, he has been doing it for 30 years and states he has never seen it harm the biome
  • Most notably, Dr. Velio Bocci, the researcher every ozone therapy expert is indebted to. 

Dr. Bocci writes:

"Modification of the bacterial flora equilibrium. Owing to the multiplicity of bacterial species, this remains a complex area….. The bacteria and their products interact with each other and with the enterocytes (intestinal absorptive cells), goblet and enteroendocrine cells (producing a myriad of hormones) and the gut-associated lymphoid tissue, GALT (Hooper and Gordon, 2001).

On the other hand, it is well known that contaminated food, water and antibiotics can subvert this dynamic symbiosis by allowing the establishment of pathological bacteria and fungi like Candida albicans, C. tropicalis, Torulopsis glabrata, etc. The successive dysmicrobism (upset microbiome)  usually has far-reaching deleterious consequences, ranging from transient to chronic enterocolitis and to autoimmune reactions and therefore we must try to correct it in order to restore normal homeostasis. Whether Rectal Insufflation with a daily input of oxygen-ozone can re-equilibrate the bacterial flora and lead to normal immunoreactivity remains to be demonstrated (and explained), although results suggest a beneficial effect."

What does this mean?  Ozone has a positive effect on balancing the gut biome.

Here is a study to verify ozone’s effect on the microbiome.  The researchers conducting the study were able to remediate gut dysbiosis with rectal insufflation and ozone water. They write, 
“In conclusion, the study confirmed the validity of the treatment with ozonized water combined with rectal insufflation of oxygen and ozone mixture, to control the symptoms linked to dysbiosis and to favor the restoration of proper environmental homeostasis at an intestinal microclimate level in adults”

Between all the studies and the anecdotes we've had over the years, I see it as a positive to the microbiome. Here’s my reasoning:

  • It's a small amount of gas that doesn't reach the entirety of the colon.  The ozone is known to be absorbed into the mucosal wall and blood stream.  The rest of the oxygen is dispelled or used in the lower part of the colon.
  • The oxygen-ozone therapy is a known homeostatic stimulator - it creates a balancing effect.  
  • It may have an effect on the immediate area that is exposed, killing good and bad bacteria.  However, the quantity of gas is low and it is not a sustained effect.  The body appears to respond by repopulating with beneficial bacteria.  

5 things to remember about rectal ozone therapy 

Unless you’re a doctor yourself, a lot of this stuff can be confusing.  So let's recap what we’ve covered so far… 

  1. You’re in charge of your health, no matter how good or bad it is.
  1.  Conventional medicine is decent at relieving symptoms (for a little while), but you’ll be stuck in an expensive cycle of sickness and medication unless you address the ROOT of your health. 
  1. Rectal ozone insufflation is a safe and effective way to oxygenate your body on a cellular level
  1. Rectal insufflation can mediate oxidative stress, which is a leading cause of aging
  1. Rectal ozone insufflation can help your immune system balance itself (instead of pumping your body full of drugs with lots of side effects).

One thing we didn’t cover yet is how easy and accessible rectal ozone insufflation therapy is. While most ozone practitioners do offer rectal insufflation in their clinics, many people administer it themselves from the comfort of their own homes. 

How to Do Rectal Ozone Therapy at Home 

For this you’ll need an ozone generator, along with ozone bags and catheters. Otherwise you can simply purchase an ozone generator kit with all you need. 

Equipment Required 


  • Start by using the silicone tubing from your kit to connect your ozone generator to the regulator on your oxygen tank. One end of the tubing should attach to the barb outlet of the oxygen regulator, the other end attaches to the oxygen inlet of your ozone generator. 
  • Plug your ozone generator into a power source (don’t turn it on yet!
  • Open the clamp attached to the tubing of your ozone bag, then screw that tubing into the port on your ozone generator. Only needs to be lightly finger tight. 
  • Adjust the strength of your machine output according to your desired ozone concentration (labeled “ug/ml” on your generator). For rectal insufflation, the recommended range is between 10-40 ug/ml, but most people start off at 20 for the first several weeks. 
  • Power on your ozone generator, open the oxygen regulator to your preferred setting, and firmly pinch your ozone bag at the 200 ml line. Allow the portion of the bag that you’re pinching to fill a decent amount (stop before the bag gets too tight). 
  • Once you have your 200 ml of oxygen/ozone mixture, turn your oxygen regulator down to 0 to stop the airflow. Turn off your ozone generator and clamp your ozone bag so none of the gas escapes. 


  • Attach an ozone catheter to the clamped tube of the now-prepped ozone bag. 
  • Insert the catheter 3 inches into the rectum (it’s fine to use lubricant if you prefer) 
  • Steadily roll up the ozone bag, releasing the newly created ozone mixture into your colon. Some mild discomfort is normal at first, don’t be alarmed. Remove the catheter while keeping the bag rolled up to prevent any excess ozone gas escaping into the air. 
  • Hold the gas in for 15-30 seconds and let the ozone work its magic. 
  • That’s it!  Enjoy the benefits of ozone therapy.  For most people it takes up to 4 weeks of regular treatments to make a noticeable change.  Consistency is important.

Protocol and Frequency

Low and Slow Approach 

  • Start off on 200ml of 20 gamma ozone for 3 times a week
  • Titrate up 10 gamma each week until you reach 40 gamma at 200ml 
  • After 1 month start this process over, but now with 400ml at 3 times a week
  • Your practitioner can decide to add additional days of therapy depending on your tolerance
  • You would then stay at 40 gamma/400ml 

Standard Cycling - MOST COMMON

  • A cycle is the most common protocol. You would be administering ozone therapy on a cycle to allow your body to adjust.  Your provider would select one of the following cycles, whichever is more convenient.
  • Cycle 1: Every day for three weeks, then one week off.  Continue this cycle until you are better, then go into maintenance.  After one month, you may increase to twice a day, based on the discretion of your medical practitioner.
  • Cycle 2: Every day for five days, then two days off.  Continue this cycle until you are better, then go into maintenance. .
  • Administer 200ml at around 20 gamma for the first month.  
  • Administer 200 - 400ml at 20 - 40 gamma thereafter, as you are able to tolerate without negative side effects.
  • If you are cramping, bloating, or experiencing reasonable discomfort, decrease the dosage and frequency to a tolerable level.

Common Example of Standard Cycling

  • Start with 200ml of around 20 gamma 3-5 times a week
  • Week 2 you will move up to around 30 gamma at 200ml 5 times a week
  • Week 3 you will move up to around 40 gamma at 200ml 5 times a week
  • Week 4 you will move up to around 40 gamma at 400ml 5 times a week
  • Continue at 40 gamma and 400ml as long as your practitioner recommends
  • Your practitioner may vary from these recommendations.

Helpful hints

  • A catheter should only be inserted 3 inches to allow absorption into the portal vein.  If you feel pressure when you’re administering RI, either push the catheter in or pull back on it gently and the ozone will flow freely.  
  • Keep positive pressure on the bag or syringe when you’re administering ozone.  Taking pressure off may cause a back flow of fecal matter in the bag/syringe.  
  • Ozone absorbs into the mucosal lining of the colon extremely quickly.  Thus, there is no need to “trap or hold” the ozone for longer than 20 - 30 seconds.  A bowel movement or flatulence after a treatment is normal and does not indicate an ineffective treatment.

Precautions/Things to look out for

  • Rectal ozone is a powerful systemic treatment.  It is recommended you avoid doing both an IV and rectal ozone treatment on the same day.
  • A Herxheimer reaction is possible after a rectal ozone treatment.  This is manifested in excessive fatigue, rash, lymph drainage, and/or fever/chills.   
  • If you believe you (or your patient, for doctors administering ozone) are having a “Herx reaction”, discontinue ozone treatment for 4-7 days and allow the system to reset.  Then start off on ½ as much gamma and time as previously administered.   Next, titrate back up to the original amount over a timeframe determined by the practitioner.  There are a number of protocols to help prevent somebody from developing a Herxheimer reaction.
  • Mucus in the stool could be an indicator you are doing too high of an ozone treatment and could get relief from a lower amount of ozone (both from volume and gamma).


The World Federation of Ozone therapy produced a paper, describing a few instances to avoid ozone therapy. 

  • Patients with a significant deficiency of G-6PD, a genetic disorder that accentuates the breakdown of red blood cells.
  • Pregnancy
  • Blood coagulation issues, anemia
  • Serious cardio-vascular instability 

They go on to say that when ozone therapy is used judiciously and correctly, it is unlikely to cause complications or issues.

Final thoughts 

Rectal insufflation ozone therapy is one of the less glamorous therapies out there, but it’s also one of the most effective. Whether you’re dealing with an autoimmune disorder, infectious disease, or simply want to live a consistently healthy life, it’s worth checking out and trying for yourself. 

While we do know an awful lot about ozone therapy and integrative medicine, we’re not qualified to offer medical advice. So talk to your doctor today about whether or not ozone therapy could be right for you. 

To help you and your doctor gather more information, we’ve created a comprehensive guide to ozone therapy. Because we believe everyone should have access to this incredible therapy. 

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